Thursday 6 September 2018

Traffic islands
A silly spot of naughty verse)

Traffic islands of forbidden meat
Sacred speed breakers along our street
Disinfected evenly with goodly dung
For the many goodly ones among
Us who call her Mother
It’s a blessing no other
Nation or government may
Even hope for today
For what fancy roundabout
What designed pothole
Can stay that speeding lout
Or cleanse a greasy soul
Of that mortal sin of wanting
To get ahead. Flaunting
Our locomotive miracles
Be they Ferraris or bicycles.
Thank heavens for these
Our holy traffic police
Who sit around
And stand their ground.
A holy obstinacy
Of a sacred aristocracy.
Honk and abuse
It’s no use
Being irate.
That’s the salvific thing to do
For an eternal minute or two.
Then, if bladder and state
Of your mind cannot wait
Get down from your chariot and do
Obeisance. A worshipful “Shoo!”
That panchayat and govt. will not do for you.
 (See? My sillyverse
Is getting worse)
I better stop this naughty rant before
Mischief turns to malediction or more.